Food Testing & Analysis

Food testing is integral to the efficient production of safe, quality products. Thus, it is necessary for food industries to test their foods to ensure they meet the required food safety regulations and protect public health. This will help produce products that are safe and of high quality.

Nutritional Analysis

Nutritional labelling is crucial for informing consumers about the health and dietary information of food products. Being a business, it's imperative that you follow guidelines set by food regulators all over the world. This should include not only the legal requirements for food labelling, but also acceptable levels of testing on food products. Food labels are so important to consumers so they know what they are eating and can avoid certain things if they are allergic to them. They even assist the customer in meal planning and diet controlling.

Shelf Life Testing

Testing of Food Shelf Life Stability is among the most crucial and largest segments in the modern food industry. It is indeed crucial for food manufacturers to identify the correct shelf life or “use by” or “best before” dates to meet legal requirements and to safeguard their brand and the consumers. The shelf life testing of the products claims to FSSAI should therefore be supported adequately to improve the shelf life and be supported adequately by data.

Pet Food Analysis

Pet food analysis is essential for verifying the nutritional quality and safety of pet food products.The expanding pet food industry is not only subject to extreme taste testing but quality testing as well, but the laws as far as a standard of quality goes are not enough, so it becomes difficult for the suppliers to be sure that their products are truly all that they can be.It ensures that pet food meets regulatory standards and provides optimal nutrition for pets, promoting their health and well-being

Label Review

A food product label is basically a direct message to a customer about your product. Not only does it promote brand and advertising, but food nutritional labelling also supplies the consumer with the necessary product information, nutritional information, and safety information. A food label audit will assure food manufacturers and producers that their nutritional labels on their products match the ingredients of the product. We evaluate and examine food labelling standards, ingredients, allergen claims, nutrition facts, country of origin and other obligations.

Food Additives Analysis

A food additive may be simply defined as any substance not normally consumed as a food by itself, which is added intentionally in small amounts to food for any purpose during the production, processing, and storage and even during packaging. Food additive testing usually involves an array of tests including toxicology studies to see if the additive will cause harm to the body, studies to determine how much of the additive it takes to do this, studies to determine how much of the additive should be added to the food, and studies to determine the stability of the additive over time.

Heavy Metals Analysis

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has set maximum permissible limits for different metal and pesticide contaminants in food items to ensure their safety. We utilize advanced techniques to detect and quantify trace levels of heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury. By detecting possible impurities before they enter the marketplace, our complete testing assures that you live up to government rules, safeguard people’s health, and keep the quality of items intact.

Pesticide Residue Analysis

Pesticide residue testing determines the amount of pesticide residue in food products by conducting precise and conventional chemical and microbiological testing and thus provides food manufacturers and producers with confidence in their ingredients. It is important to test for these residues because if they are in there for an extended period of time, it could negatively affect the consumer's health.

Contact us today on to get details about various tests required for your product!